
Air Force Trainer/Instructor EPR Bullets


- Facilitated CCAF training; instructed 20+ reservists in utilization of AFVEC/funding request; provided vital knwldge

- Master'd 2 wk PoI crse; coach'd 3 instr's/dvlp'd 4 lesson plns/incr'd wartime rdyness/98%--guid'd '18 Amn/CGO OT4Q

- Chosen for F-22 LO instructor duty; completed 6 week Basic Instructor Course--awarded AETC Certification

- Completed Selecting and Using Multimedia in Training course--greatly enhanced course development skills

- Completed the Objectives and Test Course--impressive 98% test average--increased job knowledge

- Completed the Principles of Instructional Systems Design Course--98% test average--increased job knowledge

- Conducted ATSO trng/301 gp prsnl; WIT cadre expert/1st ever trng based ORE--highlighted CPS shelter capes

- Cultivated section readiness; trained three Amn on 39 upgrade tasks--increased sections qualification by 4%

- Deployed Op JADED THUNDER; Keyed 103 sorties/5K muns released/pilot trng secured--AF Outstanding Unit '14

- Devoted 18 hours to off-duty SONET/SMART-T training; completed 34 of 50 tasks--jobs skills increased 68%

- Educated nine new Amn; taught safe for mx/inspection/work cards ops--garnered zero QA personnel eval fails

- Enhanced technical growth; instructed on B-2 crew leading responsibilities--increased shop productivity 14%

- Enhanced technical growth; instructed on B-2 crew leading responsibilities--increased shop productivity 5%

- Instructed on ceramic tile repairs; performed 11 tile screed coat procedures--saved $60K versus replacement

- Instructed on drill/fill process; repaired three advanced composite disbonds--negated $2.5K in patch/ply repair

- Instructed on tube fitting replacement procedures; learned line removal/pre-fitting--increased productivity 2%

- KO'd PTL trng; guided weekly Viper Fit sessions/provided fitness instructions--ensured success of 45 sq mbrs

- Learned click bond procedure; conducted section training/instructed 46 Amn--increased task qualification 32%

- Participated w/two wg trng days; instructed 16 Amn tile damage evaluation--increased section efficiency 11%

- Primary instructor for FEMA based CERT training--instructed 15 new instructors and 50 new team members

- Qualified climbing certifier; exceeded AFSC normal rqmts--1 of 2 mbrs responsible for sq antenna/tower trng

- Recieved "Fit to Fight" PTL trng; led > 40 sq Viper Pit sessions--ensured readiness/awarded two day CC pass

- SABC instructor--provided training to 100+ unit personnel--ensured all ready for life and death emergencies

- Section trainer; qualified six new pers/10 hrs/special cargo procedures..33 tasks certified--increased readiness by 18%

- Selected as section flight-line driving certifier; attended certifying official course--ensured qualified operators

- Self-taught--learned Instructional System Development duties--filled curriculum manager manning shortage

- Trained 3 Amn in high-reliability soldering skills--helped ensure w/c excellence in permanent/vehicle installs

- Trained 7 JOC personnel on Battle Field Monitoring Operating Systems--100% continuity for future rotations

- Trained five Amn; taught thin-/thick-tape application procedures--garnered zero QA fails during personal evals

- Trained four Amn upgrade task; taught thin/thick tape application--contributed to Sq goal eight acft w/in 5 days

- Trained nine Amn; taught safe for mx/inspection/work cards operations--garnered zero QA personnel eval fails

- Trained seven Amn in paint applications; utilized skills on antenna farm refurb--negated 153 LO man-hours

- Trained six Amn on tailpipe mapping procedures; demonstrated computer prgm--raised section capabilities 4%

- Trained six apprentices tape application; zero defects on 7-level follow-up--increased task proficiency 60%

- Trained three mbrs on MW directives; educated on NWRM & TPS checklists--work center knowledge upped by 30%

- Trained two Airmen on tile replacement; guided removal/installation--improved section task qualification 10%

- Trained two Amn on Change Mgmt process; briefed current/simulated scenarios--bolstered shop effectiveness

- Trained two Guard mbrs; certified on 56 5-level core tasks--90% qual'd in 10 mos/incrs'd mx capabilities 15%

- Trained two mbrs upgrade task; educated on chemical shelf life/issuing procedures--downsized errors 30%

- Trained/supervised seven apprentices; completed 42 tool inspections--increased section qualification by 10%

- Tutored on new a/c mapper sys; upload/downloaded >1.5K LO defects--provided crucial survivability data

- Utilized TC-Max Tool trng; instructed five Amn on support procedures--assured 100% tracking of 9.5K tools

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