- Conducts monthly inventories/restock of AE in-flight kits; assists aeromedical technicians & flight nurses w/ AS 887A
- Medical Logistician; Coord MED DET 1 medical supply inspection-compliance policies/ procedures/directives mgmt
- Equipment Custodian; Accomplish in use equip asset inventories-developed/directed/completed corrective action plan
- Medical Requisitioning; Initiates/manages medical material receipt/storage/issue/return--1.3M equipment and supplies
- Master Records keeper; Preps/validate inventories and compliance history--establish/revise computer data entry prgm
- Manages $54M/86 contracts/134 prsnl; guides 60 govt supervisors; provides manning f/healthcare to 37K pts
- Trusted agent; safeguards/verifies base entry; secures critical network access points f/160 full-time employees
- Validates invoices/documents contractor performance monthly; conducts supervisor tng; scrubs contract folders
- Utilizes Defense Enterprise Accounting and Mgmt Sys; requests funds; exercises options for existing contracts
- Focal point for 6 MDG/6 CONS pre/post award phases of new rqmts for personal/non-personal svc contracts
- Oversees 6 MDG Quality Assurance Evaluator (QAE) program ensuring contractors perform IAW directives
- Acting eqpt office NCOIC/6 mos; val'd 35 rqmts/rcv'd 2 optometry emer orders <24 hrs--incr'd pt Tx vol 35%/5K evals
- Aided w/$580K fac fire detection sys upgrade; replaced alarms/strobes/panels/wiring--achiev'd US code/stds
- Alt CJTH PMI manager; managed issue/turn-in >500 eqpt items/$900K--directly spt'd 2.3K wounded warriors
- Alt Gp VCNCO/mng'd 11 vehicle fleet/$600K; Wg inspected/no-notice; rated "Outstanding" w/zero write-ups
- Alt vehicle mgr; led CC's brief for AFCENT's VVV/14 GOVs--gained $138K AMBUS/incr'd msn capes 50 to 100%
- Assist'd $3.8M HVAC upgrade; 6 zones completed ahead of schedule; modernized air handling eqpt f/13 depts
- Assisted in CPI initiative; reorg'd medical gas storage/repositioned 57 cylinders--significant UEI discrepancy resolved
- Assisted Medical Readiness field training program; inventoried/labeled/organized 150 chem suits for training
- Assisted w/build of 6 MASCAL supply carts; expertly corrected 16 acquisition errors--carts 100% accurate
- Assisted Wg, cleared 21.6K sq ft flightline after B-2 crash--eliminated FOD damage to 35 aircraft/$3B assets
- Assured mvmt of 100 bed CASF for set-up; 10 pallets staged during ORI; coined by 36 MDG/CC for efforts
- Augmented CASF msns; unloaded/transport'd 40 AE pts/8 CCAT--ensured 1.8K wounded warriors safe return
- Authored case f/FY18 budget to BAF finance; identified 83 pkg projections--boosted allotment from $65K to $600K!
- Bolster'd jt POW/MIA msn/30 mbrs; obligat'd 2K assets/$25K budget--repatriated 6 WW II remains/coined by DPAA
- Bolstered O2 plant decommission; removed/re-utilized $50K/10 tons eqpt--created 530 sf of add'l whse space
- Brilliant ATSO Trainer; trained 83 AD personel on anti terrorism measures--ensured 100% readiness for unit
- Built 8 WRM project files during NCOIC absence/Flt CC vacancy; cited "best document prep in sqdrn" by CC
- Championed 13 process improvements; trained 67 mbrs/3 sqs--efficencies averted 50% manpower loss/522 man-hrs/yr
- CJTH fire warden; educat'd staff in safety/evacuation procedures/2 drills--ensured life safety code compliance
- CJTH PMI mgr; direct'd issue/turn-in >507 equip items/$5M--enabl'd in-transit care/2.3K WWs/415 AE msns
- CJTH QRF tm chief; respond'd to 21 IDF attacks/potential threats--safeguarded environment for pts/290 prsnl
- CJTH VCNCO; preserv d 18 veh/$1.1M from retrograde actions--enabled 780 ambulatory/75 in-flt responses
- CJTH VCNCO; preserved 19 veh/$1.1M from retrograde actions--secured BAF MASCAL response capability
- Co-managed AOR's largest PMI prgm; tracked/accounted for 525 eqmt items $4M--supported 633 CASF msns
- Completed Hazardous Materiel certification; 100% rqmts met--crucial to contingency ops/hazmat air transport
- Completed three inventories; 81K assets/83K sqft facility/$16M--enabled 14K pt visits/safe evac to 1K WW's
- Conduct'd annual eqpt inv; validat'd/account'd for 1.5K line items/$15M--yielded 100% accuracy/5%> AF std
- Conducted monthly vault inventory; confirmed balances of 51 controlled drug items/$130k--zero discrepancies
- Consolidated 1.9K pharmaceuticals; slashed expiration research time by 26%--saved 100 man hrs, $100K anl
- Convert'd over 1000 rqmts to Electronic Commerce; recouped 15+ man hours; cut item delivery time by <50%
- Converted credit card purchases to electronic sources; astounding 90% e-commerce--aligned with AF standard
- Coord'd flr repair proj; replaced 27K sq ft in ward--decreas'd infection control risk/improv'd weakened areas
- Coord'd placement/EOD bunker; assur'd safe location/explosives disposal--shield'd hosp/protected 290 staff
- Coord'd w/BAF US Army Garrison; complet'd 300 bldg repairs/improvements/$60K--spt'd 24/7 wartime msn
- Coord'd w/Bagram BOS; garnered m-TBI b-hut HVAC/heater installation--bolstered pt housing heat/life safety
- Coord'd/executed PMI revamp; $1.7M inventory/decreased NMC 55%--ensured safe transportation f/1K WWs
- Coordinated w/PACOM for OSAT; assisted Guard unit w/annual inventory of 100-bed CASF--98% accuracy
- COR for $237K generator mx contract; ensured fac back-up power during 9 outages--sustain'd 24/7 pt care ops
- Corrected DMLSS connectivity; restored link w/prime vendors <24 hrs--averted 3-wk delay of $20K pharmaceuticals
- Created Med Logistics Handbook; foster'd cust relationships w/52 accounts--won EMDG/TF Med-E tm of mo
- Crushed close-out/$22.7M budget--coord'd $1.7M equip/$75K TCCC rqmts--fortified daily readiness posture/189 AD
- Customer svc expert; placed 8.3K orders for 27 accounts/avg $800K monthly--crucial to CJTH s 99.7% pt SR
- Cut 6-month GSA eqpmt backlog by 27%; researched/validated 26 items/averted 4 duplicate orders--saved AF $334K
- Decommissioned O2 plant; removed $50K/10 tons eqpmt for re-utilization--created 530 sf of add'l whse space
- Deployed ATC to Thailand; packed/loaded $120K asset in 3 hours--aided OPERATION SEA ANGEL II relief
- Diligently managed BW/CW program--15 OIF/OEF deployers processed with adequate dated WRM antidotes
- Direct d $3.9M med sply distro; avg d 25 deliveries daily--enabl'd 2.4K procedures/166 emrg surg/99.7% SR
- Direct'd $3M med supply distro/$8K equip repair; partner'd w/Korean/Egypt hosp--fortifi'd NATO/COIN msn
- Direct'd 64 Reachback orders; reconstitut'd $118K/45 eqpt assets/9 pt care areas; vital to pt safety 1st/182 admissions
- Directed $6.9M receipt/delivery operation; outfitted 70 accounts/6 GSUs--supported quality healthcare to 17K
- Directed qtrly funds rvw brd; executed purchase pln f/9 eqpt/furniture reqs/$375K--secured care f/19K pts/spt'd 3 wg's
- Directed vet OR upgrade; SME f/wiring/safety/led tm completed 400lb surg light install--optimiz'd MWD care
- Directed warehouse inventory; validated items worth $45K/attained 95% stockless--ensured 100% accuracy
- Directed WRM credit return pgm; recycled 2k expired line items-- recouped/reutilized $100K to AF budget
- Directly support'd 382nd MP/40 mbrs; obtained golden hr preservation kits--enabled AOR/OTW casualty care
- Directly supported Kabul DOS; redistributed $554K/89 pieces med equip--awarded AFCENT TOM Nov/Dec
- Directly supported theatre ops; redistribut'd 10 pt beds--boosted 379th AEW capability/saved AFCENT $40K
- Distributed 1.8K line items/$217K; enabled 810 surgeries/14K pt visits--awarded EMDG TOM for Dec & Jan
- DLA/Prime Vendor Rep; validated annual MTF requirements/$10M/3.1K items--surpassed AF fill rate by 5%
- Driving force behind complete WRM overhaul; garnered HSI "4"--directly contributed to MDG "Excellent" rtg
- Drove $3.8M HVAC upgrade; 6 zones completed ahead of schedule; eliminated A/C inoperability for 13 depts
- Drove 5 Gp pgms/16K items/$2M in assets; allowed on time med re-stock--awarded AFCENT TOM Nov/Dec
- Drove aggressive follow up; initiated tracking on aged sterilizer order/$54K--resolved 3 month shipping delay
- Drove equip refresh/71 end-of-life items; replac'd 65%/$265K--earned 455 AEW NCO OTM/AFCENT SG Gp OTM
- Drove execution f/10 new contracts/40 renewals; obligated $3.8M in svcs; built up Gp manning 6% w/45 prsnl
- Drove Gp DRMO prgm; researched/distro'd 11 surplus equipment/$39K--reallocated assets for DoD-wide reutilization
- Drove MTF's QA/recall prgm; prcs'd 1.8K backlogged alerts/org'd disposition--key to '18 AFMS Access to Care award
- Drove redistribution initiative; redistributed 10 pt beds--boosted 379th AEW capability/saved AFCENT $40K
- Drove theater's largest PMI prgm/135 items/$2.2M; completed 52 inventories/7K scans--secured 119 AE msns/215 pts
- Drove warehouse ops; received/delivered $2.2M medical supplies f/37 accts--enabled 394 surgeries/40K prescriptions
- Entered smoke filled mechanical rm; extinguished fire at O2 vac pump--protected $40M/83K sq-ft trauma hosp
- Equipped SOFs for OTW msns; expedited purchase/receipt of $4.6K golden hr coolers--incrs'd lifesaving cap
- Excelled as eqpt mgr; expedited $6K scanner order--increas d pt admin productivity 50%/met PHI compliance
- Execut d AFSO21 tactics; re-org'd 5 storage areas/increas d shelf cap--recaptur d 25% whse space/531 sq ft
- Execut'd $1.7M med gas equip mx; conduct'd emergency repairs/zero loss of O2--vital to CJTH's 99.7% pt SR
- Execut'd emer shut-down during sprinkler sys malfunc; avert'd $35K loss of gov't assets--saved 20K gal water
- Execut'd redistribution plan; moved $40K in med supplies for AOR reuse--impacted care/100K NATO Forces
- Executed $3.2M for AFCENT; procured 85 unfunded equip rqmts--MISCAP up 64%/modernized hosp for next 8 yrs
- Executed 29 emer requests/$50K; coord'd same-day delivery f/3 hi-vis accts; ensured continuity of care f/23 critical pts
- Executed DoD product standardization; converted 40 items/$2K--sealed 72% compliance/2 mos/bested MHS avg 20%
- Executed e-Commerce prgm; aligned 1.8K line items with e-catalog--98% conversion rate/exceeded SG standard 8%
- Executed Gp eqpt inventory; coord'd w/48 custodians/val'd 29 accts/$28M--100% accountability/crushed AF 95% std
- Executed OCO funding/$1.6M; offset AEF demand/11 deployed; ensured continued pt care/220K beneficiaries
- Executed pt processing area renovation/5K sqft; cut pt loading time 50%--enabled EMDG TOM for Dec & Jan
- Executed re-warehouse plan; updated shelving capacity/captured 75 sq-ft--ensured space for 1K items/$650K
- Executed reachback capability; placed 13 orders/procur'd 183 items/$32K--averted cancellation of 5 surgeries
- Expedited $83K shipment; solv'd PACAF's shortfall; med pkg delivered right time/place--maintained readiness
- Expedited acquisition follow-up tasks; reviewed transactions/contacted vendors--alleviated backorder by 10%
- Expedited crit acft JFAKs <48 hrs; overcame 3 mo nat'l backorder--averted 179 grounded sorties/coined by 8th AF CC
- Expedited crit purchase <36 hrs; ID'd 28 life spt items--outfitted ambulance svs msn/133 calls successfully executed
- Expedited vaccine order; liaised w/USAMMA Depot/secured anthrax/smallpox--inoculated 430 dplyrs/Wg IMR ready
- Expeditiously marshaled 40K tons incoming/outgoing cargo during ORI; sustained wing mission; zero delays
- Expertly maintained 11 vital unit vehicles valued at $600K; program rated "Excellent" by 36 LRS inspectors
- Expertly tracked 17 med svc contracts worth $503K; ID'd 3 discrepancies--prevented gaps in svcs/patient care
- Extinguished HVAC eqpt fire in smoke filled rm; protected $40M Role III fac--ensur'd safety of 290 med prsnl
- Fac Mgr for 33 bed/83K sqft trauma hosp; directed 400 fac w/o's; ensured mx/repair of key bldg infrastructure
- Fac Mgr of 83K sq ft hosp/supervis'd 2 mbrs; direct'd 600 fac w/o's--earn'd EMDG NCO Performer of the Mth
- Facilitat'd $2.6M inventory of 40 eqpt accts; ensured 100% clinic accountability; resolv'd 2 ROS investigations
- Facilitated 31 emergent orders; secured CONUS reachback/213 items/$77K--sustained critically ill ICU pt for 22 days
- Facilitated CASF renovation/relocation/5K+ sqft; cut pt loading time 50%--awarded AFCENT TOM Nov/Dec
- Facilitated DMLSS orientations; conducted 51 newcomer/cust tng sessions--maximized end-user productivity
- Facilitated DoDs newest lab; coord'd w/AFMOA/base CONS/$93K in supplies/equip--svd $240K/recouped 57K test/yr
- Facilitated pharmaceutical delivery; validated/staged 10.9K line items/$2.98M--instrumental to 132K Rx scripts/year
- Facilitated SFAK inven; id'd/disposed 153 unserviceable litters/acq'd replacement/$450K--primed base ATSO/15 Sqs
- Facilitated the USO/30 hours; accommodated 4K veteran/family mbr visits--provided second home to deployed troops
- Facility Manager to largest CENTCOM Role III; completed 350 w/o's--enabled 800 surgeries/vital to 355 svd
- Facility Manager; Initiated comprehensive reorg of AEOT wrhse & improved IFK invntry frmt--mn hrs saved 50%
- Filled E-7 shortfall 26 days; managed 3 AD prsnl/5 sections/guided $14M log msn--mitigated 20% manpower deficit
- Flawlessly performed three monthly vault control items inspections on drugs worth $300K--zero discrepancies
- Flt In-svc Instructor; educated/cert 77 w/Force Hlth Protection pgm--enabled 5-skill level/upgrade awd for 7 prsnl/AFR
- Forg'd alliance w/TMO/LRS; expedited med supply delivery--enhanc'd 12-hr ops f/52 cost ctrs/cut 7 days to 3
- Forged partnership w/USAMMC-SWA; ordered life-saving supplies/asst'd w/linen prgm--spt'd 40 critical pts
- Fwd deployed to ROK; facilitated 17 Jt service msn/Ex/3K pt movements--enabled med capes for 600 pts w/in 4 days
- Governed $2.8M/65 CLASS contracts; supplemented clinical staff/37 doctors/nurses; care rdy/3.9K AD Amn
- Guided CJTH spend plan; reviewed 71 end-of-life items/replaced 26 IV pumps/$250K--modernized f/5 yr ops demand
- Hand picked for Wng SABC rodeo; trained 780+ warriors on basic life saving skills--solidified msn readiness
- Handled Public Health furniture project; coordinated furniture turn-in to Guam local Guard unit--saved $27K
- Handpicked by TF MED-A CC; represented EMDG/attended DV brief--1 of only 2 Amn Wg wide coined by SecDef!
- Handpicked to fulfill E-7 COR psn; managed 33 staff/1.3M contracts--secured 4 med svc rqmts/CJTH poised until '25
- Held mthly wpns M9/M16 clearing/cleaning; trn'd 20 prsnl/proper techniques--ensur'd safety/290 staff/0 NDs
- Helped Kabul DOS mission; redistribut'd $554K/89 pieces med equip--catalyst to AFCENT TOM Nov & Dec
- HHQ project liason; coord'd w/USAFE/A4 & DLADS re-purposed 50 pallets/15K WRM assets-- sv'd DoD $375K
- HSMR pgm mgr; trn'd 3 tms/re-stocked $170K supplies/met all suspense dates--inventory stats soared to 98%
- Id'd accountability shortfall; authored BW/CW checklist--created turn-in verfication tracking for redeployers
- ID'd gap/revived pharmacy returns credit prgm; coord'd 754 items w/HHQ--shipped 1.3 tons expired meds/saved $15K
- ID'd MICT discrepancies; led 4 prsnl/corrected 25 critical COAs/5 sections--increased inspection compliance to 95%
- Impeccable effort recognized by AF Inspection Agency/IG; "Outstanding Performer"--only 1 of 3/170 members
- Implemented air handlers prev mx; preserved 16 zones/128 filters/2x month; 50% improvement/HVAC uptime
- Inventoried warehouse; reviewed 1.6K med items/$88K--crit items avail for MASCAL/key to AFCENT SG Gp OTM
- Key mbr in operating inv; count d/verified 1100 units/$536K value--yielded 1st 100% accuracy in 6 rotations
- Key player for flu vaccine distribution; coord'd 501 vial shipment w/8 joint med clinics--secured 3 flu lines f/4K prsnl
- Key player HARRT trng/exercise; clinic set-up/ready to recieve patients >2.3hrs; exceeded set-up time by 2hrs
- Key to $19M WRM config innovation; reorg'd 22K sq ft bldg/cut UTC dplymnt 7 to 1 day--max'd readiness posture
- Key to 8 CBRNE/HLD projects; validated over 1500 line items with 99% accuracy--exceeded 95% standard
- Key to defense/security tm mbr; completed 6 hrs trng/42 IDF post-attack recon sweeps--guarded 162 staff/$65M assets
- Launch'd AFMS/DEA electronic requisition sys; train'd 9 techs/4 depts <10 hrs--select'd as Med Logistics Amn OTM
- Launched AF's latest Radiology clinic; coord'd $710K equip rqmts w/5 agencies--svd $42.5K/cut wait time/96 to 2 hrs
- Lead acquisitions liaison; drove $2M med supply purchases/45 customer accounts--actualized care f/13K pts/20K labs
- Lead GSA/contract buyer; secured 42 EOY unfunded rqmts/$3M--incrsd Role 3 MISCAP 64%/AFCENT MDG OTM
- Led $1.7M med gas eqpt mx; conducted 13 emer repairs/120 man hours--instrumental to CJTH's 99.5% pt SR
- Led $5.5M WRM pgm/9 mbrs; admin'd 7 invs/mod 2 GST pkgs <2 wks--enabl'd 10 combat surgeries/surg'd capes 100%
- Led 1.2K item scrub/2 rotation backlog; validated rqmts f/93 equip items/averted 16 duplicate orders--svd AF $334K
- Led AE PI; established 1st-ever pt go-bags/ID'd AE spt gaps to AFCENT--inspired $1.3M standardization AOR-wide
- Led customer trng; brief'd 49 custodians on AOR ordering/processes--reduced end users inv shortages by 30%
- Led Med Log Rx acq; processed 3.8K line items/$1.8M--drove fill rt 88% to 92% <3 mos/surpassed peer Gp avg 5%
- Led med supply inventory; scrutinized 206 items/2K units/$276K--achieved 100% accuracy/surpassed AF std of 95%
- Led PMI distribution/overhaul; 400 assets/$1.7M/decreased NMC 55%--ensured 1K WW's safety transported
- Led procurement/2K med supplies/$3M; direct'd $42K emerg requisitions/arrv'd <8 days--spt'd 200 traumas
- Led redistribution initiative; moved $40K in med supplies for AOR reuse--impacted care/100K NATO Forces
- Led RSV/CEFTP trng rqmts; taught 3 crs's/cert'd 20 mbrs on 13 tasks--flt poised f/EUCOM msns/incr'd capes by 25%
- Led six WRM inventories; ensured 100% accuracy on 1.6K lines worth $4M--increased wg readiness by 10%
- Led team in operating inv; counted/verified 1100 units/$536K value--yielded 1st 100% accuracy in 6 rotations
- Led warehouse redesign; gain'd 25% sq-ft/stor'd 379 addt'l items/$760K--enabl'd 200 traumas/1.3K emrg surg
- Led WH ops; processed $8M supplies/37 accts/mng'd 441% msn surge/highest 5 yrs--enabled care f/13K pts/394 surgs
- Liaised w/TMO/LRS; mng'd $24K janitorial supply contract reqmts--flt won EMDG/TF Med-E tm/mo award
- Liaison to TMO/LRS; spt'd HAMS contract w/$107K supplies--exceeded cust demands/inf control protocols
- Maintained deployment tracking tool; tracked 27 GWoT deployers--followed BW/CW antidotes in/out of AOR
- Maintained readiness standards; issued $10K BW/CW antidotes for 36 Wing deployers--over 120 protected
- Manag'd Quality Assurance Program; disseminated 719 messages--ensur'd zero Sentinel events/patient mishaps
- Managed $175K CT scanner mx; hosp SME for CT unit/repair/enabl'd > 4K procedures in 6 mos--99% uptime
- Managed $400K/Qtr budget; purchased/delivered 7.3K RX items/$55K--key to med support/11K benificiaries
- Managed $6M/444 PMI items/2x weekly 100% inventories--retrograded 216 items/$1.7M in equipment items
- Managed $9K fac boiler upgrade; cut operating cost 50%--ensured hot water to AOR's lrgst hosp/spt'd 16K pts
- Managed 90 CTAR/WAWF accts; processed 450 surveillance reports/90 invoices--certified 33K hrs/$17.4M
- Managed 128 med supply accounts; received 22.8K line items/$6.5M med assets--enabled pt care f/14K beneficiaries
- Managed acquisition of 272 line items valued at $80K; increased readiness posture of 10 assemblages to 90%
- Managed AOR's largest PMI prgm; tracked/accounted 525 eqmt valued at $4M--support'd 241 CASF missions
- Managed CJTH IBA turn-in prgm; shipped 9K lbs gear to Manas ETDC--expedited redeployment for 57 prsnl
- Managed CJTH's QA prgm; reviewed 847 msgs/126 defective items/FDA Class I anthrax recall--assured 40K scripts
- Managed contracting element; $9.6M/85 contracts/133 FTEs; guaranteed medical readiness for 7.9K DoD staff
- Managed credit return program; worked w/ pharmacy to turn-in expired meds--MDG recouped more than $55K
- Managed credit returns prgm; processed/shipped 2K expired pharmaceuticals--recouped $100K for AF budget
- Managed hospital linen prgm; collected/distributed 15K lbs clean bedding--bolstered sterile environment for 13K pts
- Managed med QA prgm; disseminated 102 msgs/24 FDA Class I recalls--enabled EMDG TOM for Dec & Jan
- Managed med QA prgm; disseminated 361 msgs/31 FDA Class I recalls--prevented potential fatal catastrophe
- Managed Theater Property Equipment; maintained 70 Army assets/5 locations--safeguarded $510K w/0 ROSs
- Managed TPE/ADPE prgm; accounted/inventoried 62 line items/$1.2M--awarded EMDG TOM for Dec & Jan
- Managed WRM req Pgm; 3k items/$1M execut'd raising assmeblage readiness pct 10% --52/57 projects <90%
- Master DMLSS SA; removed 119 inactive users/3 prior rotations--increased server processing speed by 66%
- Mastered controlled items prgm; maintained handling of 11.9K items/ $127K--record d 6 consec flawless invs
- Meticulously excuted daily PV/M rqmts; processed $108K/273 line items--amzingly sustained 95% fill rate
- Meticulously researched pharmaceutical assets; ID'd/processed 150 overage lines--returned $25K to pharmacy
- Mng'd 351st spec warfare trng wg acct; procured 3.2K eqp items/$375K--cut 1-yr backlog/prep'd global msn, 100 Amn
- Mng'd 37 log accts; sustained 11K items/$14M med supplies/eqpmt--enabled care f/13K visits/394 surgs/157 traumas
- Mng'd 4 facility projs/$5.9M/42 ctrs; coord'd w/21 depts/coined by ISAF CC; enabl'd 24hr trauma ops/99.7 sr
- Mng'd 410 fac w/o's; repair'd critical HVAC/plumbing/electrical sys--ensured CJTH's 99.5% pt survival rate
- Mng'd 600 fac w/o's; repaired critical HVAC/plumbing/electrical sys--sustained utilities for 24 hr trauma ops
- Mng'd AOR's largest redistribution; 4K IFAKs/10K lbs surgical items ISO war against ISIS/7 FOBs--saved AF $1.7M
- Mng'd CJTH IBA turn-in prgm; returned 9K lbs gear to Manas ETDC--closed the loop for 35 redeployed mbrs
- Mng'd cust svc tm; coord'd w/USAMMC-SWA--crucial to 16K pts' care/1.3K crit surgs/CJTH's 99.5% pt SR
- Mng'd IBA return pgm; forward'd 9K lbs gear to ETC; reduc'd delays/expedit'd redeploymn't of 57 CJTH prsnl
- Monitored DHL contract; packaged/initiated 201 shipments--ensured timely receipt of med eqpt/2.6K lab tests
- Negotiated new med sim trng capes; secured 750 assets/$7.2K/$0 cost to Gp--incr'd fld trng realism f/2K tri-svc medics
- Orchestrated two monthly vault inventories; val'd balances of 75 controlled drug items/$50k--acheived 100% accuracy
- Organized MDG air handlers prev mx schedule; 16 zones/128 filters/2x month; 50% increase of HVAC uptime
- Outstanding speaker; briefed msn roles and responsibility for medlog site visit--coined/lauded by PACAF SG
- Oversaw $580K fac fire detection sys upgrade; replaced alarms/strobes/panels/wiring--achiev'd US code/stds
- Oversaw $580K fire alarm upgrade; monitor'd $290K of contract work/fire watch--EMDG/TF Med-E Tm/Mo
- Oversaw 3 facility projects/$5.9M; replaced fire suppression/detection--first CJTH US code compliant system
- Oversaw 5 WRM pkgs; inspect'd 191 msn critical supplies/$440K--safeguard'd 2.1K base prsnl/coined by EMDG/CC
- Oversaw 7 facility projs/$1.4M; coord'd w/21 depts/correct'd 13 life safety defects; housed 24 hr trauma ops/99% SR
- Oversaw 89 items/32 acct HAZMAT review; 1st ever BAF EM consolidat'd list--vital to emerg response/30K
- Oversaw credit returns pgm; process'd 92K expired drug items; recoup'd WRM $27K--bolstered Wg readiness by 18%
- Oversaw quality assurance prgm/12K lines; corrected 400 lines & raised rate to 94%--crushed AF std by 4%
- Performed 25 carpentry projs; improved ops/9 duty sections--eliminated 90-day delay/$15K in contractor fees
- Pharmaceutical Prime Vendor lead f/AF's lrgst MTF; order'd/insp'd 56K/$10M rqmts--fulfill'd 579K scripts f/368K pts
- Pilot'd semi-ann matls inv; validat'd 752 items/$440K/revis'd storage sys--flt won EMDG/TF Med-E tm of mo
- Piloted Lajes SAV/3 mbrs; eval'd 28 areas/ID'd $113K LIMFAC--cut 8-yr backlog/incr'd avail CBRNE assets by 70%
- Piloted operating inv; directed 10 mbr tm/validated 6K unit s/$536K--yielded 1st 100% accuracy in 6 rotations
- Piloted PI; analyzed 12 clinics for top 5 crit items/streamlined order process--procured $63K supplies/MASCAL ready
- Piloted QAE program; validated 133 timesheets/$17.4K mthly payments; 79 task orders paid on-time/no delays
- Piloted self-help proj; hand-built coffee bar/cabinets--saved gov't $5K/bolstered morale/coined by AEW/CC
- Piloted SLEP/$678.6K acct; executed 827 drugs/reconstituted/recouped 280 Rx--AFGSC SAV rated zero deficiencies
- Pioneered wg's 1st field surg tm trng pkg; imprv'd acq prcs by 80%/sv'd DoD $25K--enabled cert f/3K NATO medics
- Pivotal to warehouse ops; dlvr'd 3.3K items/spt'd 441% msn surge/highest in 5 yrs--enabled care f/13K pts/394 surgs
- Prevented SPD shut-down; expedited emerg svs f/24 clinics/8 OR suites--negated 332 surgery back-log/saved AF $1.9M
- Primary vehicle mgr; led Gp thru AFCENT's VVV/14 vehicles--gained $138K AMBUS/incr'd msn capes 50 to 100%
- Process'd $560K supply/mo/52 accts; spt'd ann/spot invs/752 items/$440K--99% accuracy/spt'd 11K pt visits
- Processed $200K in receipts; verified quality assurance data on 222 lines--assemblage status up by 6% to 94%
- Processed 1.5K orders of supplies to replenish $516K of WRM shortfalls; overall SORTS reporting up 30%
- Processed 1.5K WRM line items/$546K for EOFY; rec'd/restocked assemblage; CASF inventory up 81 to 93%
- Processed 193 invoices; expedited payments/$2.1M/79 contracts/133 techs; civ workforce rdy/165K visits/yr
- Processed CJTH IBA turn-ins; shipped 9K lbs gear to Manas ETDC--closed the loop for 35 redeployed mbrs
- Processed receipt of 108 controlled medications/$68K/0 errors; ensured a 99% fill rate for 140 prescriptions
- Procured $25K/163 medical supply items; expedited 9 urgent clinic requests--avoided 5 surgery cancellations
- Procured $3M/2K demands; executed $42K emergent request/arrv'd <8 days--ensured life-saving capabilities
- Procured $680K/524 orders in <1 wk; implemented innovative closeout acquisition strat--saved MDG $45K
- Procured automated refill script ctr; coord'd w/10 agencies/sec'd Wg SIF/$156K--added 67 hrs/week/40K beneficiaries
- Promot'd Kabul DOS mission; redistributed $554K/89 pieces med equip--catalyst to AFCENT TOM Nov/Dec
- Purchased 3500 items/$565K; 6 assemblages up 30% on critical items; 50/56 projects now over 90% accurate
- Pwr'd VIGOROUS WARRIOR 19 exer/2k mbrs; dply'd 3.8K items/6 UTCs/$2.9M--armored alliances/28 NATO PN
- Quality Control manager; updated/trained 16 gov't prsnl; timely submission of 130 QAE/PAR reports up 15%
- Quick Reaction Force tm mbr; responded to 9 IDFs/37 RAMs/1 MASCALEX--ensured security of Role III fac
- Rallied DoDDS USAFE emer spt msn; coord'd resp btwn 2 Gps/int'l NGOs/33 events--svcs sv'd 3 stdt lives/1 medevac
- Ran QAE pgm; validated 115 timesheets/$560K in payments; 79 contracts paid on-time w/no interest penalties
- Rcv'd 6.7K/$6.5M med sup; provid d same day dlvry/27 accts/37K pt visits--enhanc'd 24-hr trauma capability
- Received $6.5M crit med supplies; same day delivery/27 accts/37K pt visits--essential to 99.7% survival rate
- Records Manager; renovated/systemized master file plan/5 flts--increased overall accuracy by 20%/19 records
- Rectified installation fire paramedic pgrm; obtained $250K supply/equip--fortified 123 fighters/sec'd $11B AOR/23K
- Redesigned warehouse bulk storage area; streamlined flow of supplies--increas'd workable/storage space 25%
- Redesigned warehouse floor plan; devised 600 SF/8 rack staging area--elevated delivery accuracy/turnaround by 25%
- Relabeled 11 expired SLEP lots/9K auto-injectors; brought prgm in compliance--1st time in 6 mnths/saved AF $150K
- Replac'd defective anesthesia vacuum sys; prevent'd downtime of three ORs; spt'd 1.3K life-saving surg cases
- Researched lost equipment; locat'd 4 IV controllers/coordinat'd w/outside units for return--$24K loss avoided
- Resolved level discrepancies; direct'd 15 actions w/AFSO21 tactics--recaptur d 25% whse storage/531 sq ft
- Resolved pharm shortage/223 vials; guaranteed critical meds<48 hrs/smashed 35-day avg pipeline--efforts svd pt's life
- Resolved pharmacy's critical shortage; secured 250 vials in <48 hrs/svd patient's life--earned 455 EMDG AMN OTM
- Restratified schedule II/III/IV narcotics; utilized Guaranteed Returns program--recouped $15K in return credits
- Retooled SFAK prgm; inspected 29 kits/$99K & executed $50K to modernize 34 kits--raised capability 46%
- Revamped 8 FW SFAK kits pgm; inspected/made ready 29 kits valu'd at $176K--upped SFAK capes by 46%
- Revamped Gp safety program; established checklists/procedures/trnd 232 personnel--EMDG TOM Dec & Jan
- Revamped MEMO prgm; set agenda/conducted ERAA--cradle-to-grave accountability for $1.5M in equip buys
- Revamped ROS program; trained 25 custodians/id'd 19 missing items/$1.2M--recovered 6 items/$40K saved
- Revamped supply return prgm; verified compliant disposal methods--redistr'd 187/$143K excess within AOR
- Reviewed 60K Systems transactions; implemented QC improvement plan- increased accuracy 100%!
- Revised 517 duplicate items in DMLSS; resolved failed requisitions/inc'd cust sat--spt'd 99.5% Role III pt SR
- Revitalized excess prgm prcs; eliminated 4 mo eqpt backlog/shipments--recaptured $50K/equipped 31 FW vs DLADS
- Revitalized WRM pharmaceutical organization; organiz d 1.9k line items; saved the AF $100K/100 man hours
- Revived non-med supply process w/LRS; consolidated aged orders/saved $86K--reduced pipeline time 33%
- Safety guru; initiated Wg Annual Facility/Environment Safety eval; quizzed 6/6; ensured MTF 100% compliant
- SAPR victim's advocate; briefed wg combat orientations/38 mbrs/attended 2 mtgs--spt'd 1.7K AD/3.5K civilian prsnl
- Secured int'l shipping; led jt acquisition review/directed $53K contract--slashed lab transit time 60% for 12 AOR units
- Selected as alternate Unit Deployment Manager; attended local training class--upgraded skill/program on track
- Solved eqpmt contingency; coord'd w/AFCENT/secured incubator/3 pt beds--reinforced CJTH capabilities/svd $85K
- Solved lab power issues; incrs'd electrical capacity--enabled 20K in-house tests/saved $10K in shipping costs
- Spearheaded 455 AEW SLEP prgm; sustained 87 BW/CW antidote lots--15K prsnl protected & disaster-ready
- Spearheaded 700 item/$908K overhaul; decreased backorders 65%/400K--vital to CJTH 99% pt survival rate
- Spearheaded med inventory; complt'd $53K/1.3K items <2d--achieved 100% accuracy/exceeded AF std 95%
- Spearheaded SP relocation; moved/organized 45K items/$600K--reduced soft buildings/saved AF/BAF $75K
- Spt'd 4Ns/SABC/'19 Air Show; aided 60 pnts/coord'd $14K emerg rqmts--protected 45K attendees/rcvd provider kudos
- Spt'd AOR's largest redistribution; 4K IFAKs/10K lbs surgical items f/7 FOBs ISO war against ISIS--saved AF $1.7M
- Staged $700K eqpt/supply items; expedited 415 AE msns/2.3K wounded warriors--secured med ops/no delay
- Status Edits Report mgr; ID'd/correct'd 148 erroneous records--erased 2 mth backlog/increased customer fill rate 33%
- Steered Cust Svc/Acquisitions; drove $2M in med supplies/42K Rxs/25% msn surge--earned 455 AEW Warrior OTM
- Steered logistics disaster tm; met qrtly suspense; provided make-up tng 16/16 trained; flt readiness level/100%
- Stepped up to VCNCO duties; oversaw 17 vehicles/$1.1M/335 lives saved; vital to CJTH 99.7% survival rate
- Stood down BTC pkg; $26K freezer transferred to 36 MUNS vs DRMO--direct support of warfighting mission
- Streamlin'd DRMO process; coord'd w/agency/penned new policy--facilitat'd 314 returns/redistributed $3.2M
- Streamlined DRMO process; set turn-in schedule/simplified paperwork--saved 26 hrs/returned 70 items/$3M
- Streamlined DRMO; developed proper documents/fostered relationships--facilitated return of 127 ECNs/$3M
- Streamlined OR acquisitions; procured 91 items/$55K/slashed pipeline<30 days--enabled 394 surgeries f/157 traumas
- Streamlined SFAK issuance prgm; improved warehouse organization, saved 100 sq ft--slashed issue time 50%
- Streamlined WAWF payment processes; ID'd/corrected 60 invoices; prevented overpayment/recouped $217K
- Superbly mgn'd expired-drugs Credit Returns Pgm--recouped $25K Gp's bottomline--met crit WRM shortfalls
- Superbly mng'd expired meds returns pgm; essential to easing fiscal restraints--recaptured $74K+ WRM credit
- Supervis'd 3 Amn; manag'd 797 line items/$536K/27 accts/receiv'd $6.5M--enhanc'd 24-hr trauma capability
- Supervised waste overhaul; cleared out previous 6-mnth build-up/36 trips--removed 14K lbs DRMO/6K lbs HAZMAT
- Supported TFI deployment; received short-notice vaccines/cert'd 1.3K JFAKs--300 mobilized Op SPARTAN SHIELD
- Supported vet clinic OR upgrades; installed 6 lamp surgery lights/2 add'l cooling units--optimized MWD care
- Suppt'd retrograde execution; 39 container disposition/63% reduction--svd BAF $2M in movement/relocation
- Synchronized turn-in/install of 7 furniture pkgs/$47K; increased work space/efficiency--space for 28 new staff
- Tackled 700 items/$908K/32 CJTH's accts; decreased backorders 65%/$400K--vital/MTF 99% survival rate
- Team lead for annual inventory; QC'd 475 line items/$168K--2 day completion time/secured 99% accuracy rt
- Team player; assisted Kadena AB with PACAF blood drive--received lab equipment ensured successful event
- Took over RSV trng--flight 100% trnd; rehab'd Gp vehicle prgm, new checklist/inspections--100% accountable
- Trained 80+ 914 AFR on WRM inventory procedures; annual inventory cmplt'd 3 in days, 3wks ahead of sched
- Trusted agent! Controlled drugs mgr; highly reliable w/$300K inventory--AFIA insp rated pgm "Outstanding"
- Trusted TASS Agent; certified access/133 employees; ensured base entry/network access/zero delay in pt care
- Validat'd accuracy of 10 assemblages; inspected/relabel'd 2.9K antidotes; 100% BW/CW availibility for PAR
- Validated expiring BPAs/$600K; coord 12 renewals--slashed add'l 23% GPC orders & thwarted 192 man-hrs
- Vigorously resolved 300+ failed order submissions; revived supply chain cycle--solidified CJTH capabilities
- Vol'd 48 off-duty hrs f/AE; prepped/evacuated 75 pts/12 AE missions--guaranteed safe transfer/spt'd 5 NATO nations
- Warehouse tm player; oversaw 190 deliveries/$3M; enabled care of 16K pts--spt'd CJTH 99.5% survival rate
- Wise forward logistician; pharm contract execution compliance to 96%/exceeded DoD avg by 14%--svd 120K
- Worked 50 off-duty hrs/organized space; disaster teams now w/access to gear--potential CBRNE lifesaving fix
- WRM mgr; inventoried 13 assemblages/acct'd for 23K supplies/$465K--455 EMDG NCO OTM/AFCENT Tm OTM!